Busby Parish Church is a place of togetherness and inclusion for all, and has organisations for people of all ages. Youth Organisations are listed separately but details of other organisations are below.
Monday Morning - The Mother and Toddler group meet in the hall during term time from about 9.15 onwards.
Monday evening - The Brownies meet at 6.30p.m. during term time.
Monday evening - The Drama Group meet in the Stage Hall during the Autumn months at 7.30p.m. Their final performance is on January 12/13/14 2024 'Supper and Song'.
Tuesday evening - The Guides meet in the hall at 7.00p.m. during term time.
Wednesday afternoon - The Keep Fit Group meet in the Main Hall at 1.30p.m.
Thursday evening - The Guild meet on alternate Thursday evenings in the Stage Hall from October to March at 7.30p.m.
Sunday morning - The Choir meet for their weekly rehearsal in the Dow Room prior to Sunday Worship.
There is also a Church Association in which all the organisations are represented. They meet from time to time to organise major events such as Christmas Fayres and special evenings of entertainment. They also provide tea and coffee every Sunday folowing the morning service in the main hall.