The Conclusion Service of a Year of Celebration
On Sunday 8th May, the congregation of Busby Parish Church gathered in the sanctuary to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the first service ever held in the building on May 8th 1836.
Councillor Alan Lafferty, Rev. Iain Campbell, Mrs. Gillian Campbell, Rev. Jerry Eve, Mr. Gordon Kay (Session Clerk) & Mr. Steve Smith (Celebration Co-ordinator.)
The service on this occasion was led by Rev. Iain Campbell, former minister of both the East and West churches who oversaw the amicable union of both churches.
It was a very happy event and in true Busby tradition the celebration within the sanctuary was followed up by a complementary, fellowship lunch in the main hall afterwards. Before the meal began the Sunday School thanked God in their own way with an original grace!!
The meal was prepared and served by the Church Association assisted by other church members.
Below are Church members of all ages enjoying the food, fellowship and sharing memories of Busby Parish Church.